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Exchange of Book Reports

The students of Learning Paths School, India and ŞCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ, SATUL CLEJA, COMUNA CLEJA, Romania did a book review writing activity to share their favourite books and authors. The students read their favourite books and wrote book reviews on the books that they read. Then their book reports were sent to the partner school students. Similarly, we received the book reports from the students of Romania about their favourite books and authors. Our students enjoyed reading the book reports received from the partner school students. These book reports introduced our students to the world of books and authors that their friends from Romania read. Through this activity they found that Roald Dahl and J.K.Rowling are the most popular authors among them. This activity encouraged our students to read and also helped them in developing their writing skills. Our students also got familiar with the unknown authors read by the partner school students. Through their book reports, the students were encouraged to read the books by different authors. It was a good fun and learning activity and our students thoroughly enjoyed being a part of it.

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