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Online Issue of books--School Library Opens.

We are very happy to announce that the school library services are getting resumed during the summer break, starting June 7, 2021, onwards. We are aware that at LPS reading is something that students are very fond of. Books are a necessity during this summer break as we are all at home.

But Anne Morrow Lindbergh, an American author said “Travel Far, Pay No Fare… a book can take you anywhere.”

Please take note of the following:

1) Only parents can pick the books from school, Students are not allowed.

2) The entire catalogue of school library books is available online for students.

3) The Online Catalogue Search allows the users to make a book search by author, title, publisher, subject and keywords.

4) The books will be issued through the online library module available on SchoolPad (PFA video).

5) The parents can browse the books available in the library module and they can also get the books issued from the same portal.

Appropriate COVID Safety Protocols in Place:

1) Students are not allowed to come to school, only parents can come to pick or drop the library books.

2) Only those parents who have pre-issued the books online will be allowed to come to the school library

3) Only 3 parents will be allowed to visit the library to pick up books at one time.

4) The return of books will not be done in the library room.

5) The books are to be dropped in the ‘Book Drop Box’ available in the school pre- primary play area. .

6) The returned books will be quarantined for 48 hours and sanitized before going back to the library shelves.

7) The school library and the resources available are sanitized regularly.

Maintenance of and upkeep of the books:

1) The books will only be rejected if the book needs binding or is not in a condition to be borrowed.

2) The library books should be properly looked after and to be returned on or before the due date.

3) Regular library rules apply.

If there is any suggestion regarding books, please send an email at .

Parents are welcome to recommend or suggest a book to the school Librarian.

School will be happy to purchase the book for the school library, if it is found appropriate and relevant for that particular age group.

Happy Reading!! Wishing everyone good health.


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